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Strange Vortex of Strange Luck October 12, 2010

Posted by Earthdragonette in Hear Ye.
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So, on my way to work this morning I noticed that my brakes were ever so slightly vocal whenever I went to use them. Believing this To Be A Bad Thing, I spent a good part of the day dancing with The Supervisor on the phone, trying to see if he could help me get the situation taken care of after work. After a long, kind of ridiculous process, I went by the car shop on my own and lo and behold, the brakes Have Issues.

So, now I’m waiting in my apartment, hoping that (contrary to all reason and how these things usually work out) that my car will be ready before 7:00 this evening so that I might sneak into the gym for at least an hour. This is probably not going to happen, because if history proves to be an accurate indicator of The Future, then this “simple problem” will most certainly turn into a “mammoth issue” and I will probably have to call one of my teacher friends for a ride to work tomorrow.

And to think that a week ago, I still had my very own car and None of This Stress.

Speaking of my car, a brief chat with the mechanic this evening confirmed my worst fears: Things Do Not Look Good. The damage to the car’s frame was pretty substantial and they’re having some problems getting parts for the back bumper. Even we can manage to get all the parts that we need, there’s a chance that rain could still leak into the back of the car from the trunk. Also, if I understood the conversation correctly, if the other guy’s insurance company decides to just pay me the value of my car instead of the value of the (theoretical) repairs, then I shouldn’t expect to get very much. This is all not news I really needed to hear right before buckling down and going into “Save For Graduate School” mode.

Whew! Well, that’s a lot of depressing blogging right there. Let’s take a step back and try to look at some positive things. I think we all need a pick-me-up.

Well, first of all, The Masked Man and I are no longer in an eternal battle to the theoretical death. I’m still in a state of shock over that change of status.

Secondly, my first year students did really well on their speaking tests today. I can rest easy tonight knowing that I am a somewhat effective ALT.

Thirdly, Germany should win its match against Kazakhstan. I plan to get up early in the morning to watch it anyway, because goodness knows that if anything can cheer me up it will be seeing Klose, Özil, and Müller rack up goals.

And fourthly, I just got the rental car back! It’s gym time!

Bounce with me bounce with me
Bounce with me bounce!