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Strange Vortex of Strange Luck October 12, 2010

Posted by Earthdragonette in Hear Ye.
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So, on my way to work this morning I noticed that my brakes were ever so slightly vocal whenever I went to use them. Believing this To Be A Bad Thing, I spent a good part of the day dancing with The Supervisor on the phone, trying to see if he could help me get the situation taken care of after work. After a long, kind of ridiculous process, I went by the car shop on my own and lo and behold, the brakes Have Issues.

So, now I’m waiting in my apartment, hoping that (contrary to all reason and how these things usually work out) that my car will be ready before 7:00 this evening so that I might sneak into the gym for at least an hour. This is probably not going to happen, because if history proves to be an accurate indicator of The Future, then this “simple problem” will most certainly turn into a “mammoth issue” and I will probably have to call one of my teacher friends for a ride to work tomorrow.

And to think that a week ago, I still had my very own car and None of This Stress.

Speaking of my car, a brief chat with the mechanic this evening confirmed my worst fears: Things Do Not Look Good. The damage to the car’s frame was pretty substantial and they’re having some problems getting parts for the back bumper. Even we can manage to get all the parts that we need, there’s a chance that rain could still leak into the back of the car from the trunk. Also, if I understood the conversation correctly, if the other guy’s insurance company decides to just pay me the value of my car instead of the value of the (theoretical) repairs, then I shouldn’t expect to get very much. This is all not news I really needed to hear right before buckling down and going into “Save For Graduate School” mode.

Whew! Well, that’s a lot of depressing blogging right there. Let’s take a step back and try to look at some positive things. I think we all need a pick-me-up.

Well, first of all, The Masked Man and I are no longer in an eternal battle to the theoretical death. I’m still in a state of shock over that change of status.

Secondly, my first year students did really well on their speaking tests today. I can rest easy tonight knowing that I am a somewhat effective ALT.

Thirdly, Germany should win its match against Kazakhstan. I plan to get up early in the morning to watch it anyway, because goodness knows that if anything can cheer me up it will be seeing Klose, Özil, and Müller rack up goals.

And fourthly, I just got the rental car back! It’s gym time!

Bounce with me bounce with me
Bounce with me bounce!

Some Technical Difficulties October 6, 2010

Posted by Earthdragonette in Hear Ye.
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I apologize that the posting, which is arguably not that heavy to begin with, has been on the light side this week. I’m still fighting a cold and then I got into a car accident on Tuesday and so I’ve been dealing with those details. The accident wasn’t serious (I’m perfectly fine) and thankfully it wasn’t my fault. Still, it did some significant damage to my car and there is a lot that I’ve had to sort through. I’m going to do my best to update on Thursday with just a bit more detail and commentary.

In the meantime, please enjoy a picture of this cute kitten:

This is a cute kitten.

And (even though I am not the biggest fan of Romeo and Juliet) this song:

The vacuous night
Steps aside to give meaning
To Gemini’s dreaming

I’m still here, Chief. September 13, 2010

Posted by Earthdragonette in Apologies, Hear Ye.
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First and foremost, although logically troublesome, Frequency is an astoundingly fun movie.

So, my slow climb towards Blogger Redemption was sidetracked by my shenanigans in Tokyo with The Japanese Best Friend. Then, after returning from that little adventure I melted into a Puddle of Summer. Then there was the trip to Osaka with My Japanese Sister and her children. That was soon followed by a day in Nagoya. Last weekend I went out clubbing with a group of friends that I made at the gym, and now we’re into the Sports Festival Season. Between these trips, dance practices, band practices, and hitting the gym at least four times a week, I really haven’t been home all that much.

To be honest, in addition to the way that my schedule has exploded, I suppose part of me has been reluctant to blog over the last few months because I’ve been steadfastly avoiding the phenomenon of Deep Reflection. Analysis I’ve partaken of in spades, and goodness knows where I’d be without the almost 24/7 availability of Jyona33 and his counseling services. Still, for a variety of reasons, I’ve been unable/unwilling to sit down and write about what I’ve been doing. As I said, the reasons for this are various, but I think the most compelling explanation has to do with us rapidly approaching the 6 month mark in our countdown. In a similar vein, I made a lot of progress on my graduate school applications over the summer and some of my social groups are starting to plan farewell parties. These events are alarming to say the least; I had a small mental breakdown when I realized that I would be watching the end of the current soccer season from my father’s apartment in Maryland (or, providing that I can find one, a German pub in D.C. ).

At this point, I’m not questioning the need to leave Japan and return to the United States. Although my social life has literally increased by 500% in the last four months, there are still ways in which I feel limited in my current circumstances. When I think of my longterm plans and goals, I don’t see them happening here. I really want the opportunity to work with American children. I want to run my own classroom and do so with the resources available in the Washington D.C. area. I miss Latin American culture, coffee shops, organic foods, and not being stared at when I walk into stores. Not to mention that I yearn to see my family and friends, and I’d relish the opportunity to sincerely and faithfully practice some form of my actual religion. (This isn’t to say that I am fantastically religious, but I do like going to early Sunday masses and listening to choirs sing beautiful hymns. )

I’ve talked about this double-life syndrome before, and it’s not a burden that gets easier with the passage of time.  In fact, it’s only become more difficult lately because it seems as though every week brings a new level of comfort in my Celebrity Role, a new depth of understanding about my circumstances, or a new sign of acknowledgement and acceptance from those around me. Since I went out with my gym friends that night a couple of weeks ago, I’ve had nights where I’ve spent more time at the gym talking to people than actually working out. Several of the families from my schools have also opened up lines of communication recently, and I feel as though there are days when I do nothing but run around in cycles of dialogue focused on my students and their personal lives.

I suppose that, given how busy things are inside of my head, I’ve chosen to dive into my circumstances and not look back at the size of the splash. Although I’m still planning my move back to the States in a logical, calculated fashion, there are ways in which I have chosen simply to embrace each day as it comes and to do what I feel will make me happy in the here and now. I’m giving all my activities everything I’ve got, if only because I really don’t have that much time left to do them. I don’t want to linger overmuch on my departure, because I think it will restrict what I feel comfortable doing in the present.

So, that’s more or less where I am now. The question then becomes, how do I continue to make use of this blog, which is something that I’ve already put a lot of work into and that I feel can help me stay balanced over the next six months and seventeen days. I shouldn’t be afraid to stop and take stock of what I’m doing, and I think that since there are so many things happening now, this is still a great opportunity for me to share some of my experiences with all of you.

To that end, my intention is to go back to the original premise of this blog. I’d like to stay a little away from the philosophizing, and instead focus on collecting significant memories from now until March 30th. I think you can expect a tremendous increase in our number of Characters, especially once I start to explain more about the Gym Community and the people who have come to play more prominent roles in my life. We also have some pretty interesting events on the horizon, including a school-wide Halloween activity at Friday’s elementary school, Thanksgiving with The Japanese Best Friend and … The Mentor (!!!), and of course a trip back to the States for Christmas break. Hopefully along the way, I’ll have memories to share of getting into Graduate School (let’s all send positive energy for that) and another few nights out with the Gym Folk.

In the meantime, I apologize again for the long break. I’m back for the present, and I will do my best, as always, to try to stay on track. I really feel as though we’re about to enter a very interesting period in this long, 4+ year-long adventure and … you know … I’d really like you guys along for the ride.

No I can’t recall anything at all
Oh baby this blows them all away
It’s got what it takes
So tell me why can’t this be love

Updates postponed on account of Osaka March 25, 2010

Posted by Earthdragonette in Hear Ye.
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So, I had a rather substantial and heartfelt post planned about one of the Two Terrific Teachers, who will be leaving the school at the end of the year. Unfortunately, preparations for my Spring Jaunt to Osaka have gotten in the way of this and I’m going to have to put it on the back burner until my return. You can look for an update from me sometime around Sunday or Monday.

In the meantime, if you didn’t see them (because I made three posts on Wednesday), there are two other posts beneath the fire and potatoes one. Make sure you don’t miss out on riveting tales of graduation shenanigans and cooking whole chickens!

And, as always, here’s something you may find of interest. I’m in the unfortunate position of having left my iPod at work, and so I’m going to be traveling without my much-needed music fix. I speak lightly of this now, but when I awoke in the middle of the night with this realization, I was so unsettled that I got up and played minesweeper for almost an hour so that I could calm myself. Never let it be said that my facade of maturity and responsibility isn’t just that – a mask that hides my neurotic tendencies.

So, even though I won’t be enjoying this song this weekend, it doesn’t mean that you can’t. It’s my latest obsession, for a variety of understandable reasons.

Have a great weekend!

This one takes me way back … December 3, 2009

Posted by Earthdragonette in Hear Ye, Student Moments.
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Today, I don’t even have time to work on limiting my writing to 50 meaningful and appropriate words. -_- My mountain of work awaits. The reason that things are so hectic this week is that I’ve had to make all my schools’ monthly posters. Well, my elementary schools’ monthly posters, and my middle school’s “what was supposed to be a monthly poster but I haven’t actually made a new one since September because things have been so insane” poster.

Anyway, these posters take me between three and six hours to make, depending on the level of detail that I opt to go into. This month’s posters are all about the winter holidays, and so there’s a lot to include. Also, my elementary school lessons for this month include a project where the kids make paper ornaments to stick on to a massive Christmas tree that I made. This is a great project, but the preparations are time-consuming.

Still, I like this project a lot. I think it’s particularly cute because I ask my students to write winter-related sentiments (in English) on their ornaments. This way, at the end of the month, each elementary school will have a Christmas tree with an English ornament from each student. My favorite ornament from today was one that a sixth year made, which read: “I can make snowmen.” That child did my heart a world of good. I will love him forever for showing that he has, in fact, retained something of what I’ve tried to teach him over the last four years. My second favorite ornament was one that said: “I want money.” It was just so fantastically honest.

Tonight’s video (a feature which is not going to become a regular thing, I’m just using it this week because if I didn’t, then my posts would be more or less non-existent) is of one of my favorite Japanese singers, Masaharu Fukuyama. My kids think it’s ridiculous that I like him, because they tend to think of me as being closer to their age group, and yet I fixate on the same man that their mothers like.

The song is called Milk Tea, and I am particularly fond of it because it was the first song I ever really heard in Japanese. I’d heard some others before it, but they weren’t nearly as meaningful to me as this one. I found it during the summer of 2006, where I spent most of my time in my father’s apartment, furiously studying Japanese before my departure to the land of the rising sun. Someone played it on a Live365 radio station, and although I had no idea what he was saying, I became thoroughly obsessed with it (and the singer ^o^ )

You’re lucky, because this YouTube video actually has English subtitles at the bottom. They’re accurate for the most part, but I have some issues with some things in the second half of the song. Still, you’ll have some idea what’s going on – which is more than I had when I first heard it. (I would’ve killed to find a video like this.)


(By the way, because of my schedule, I won’t be posting for a few days. You can look for the next update sometime around December 6th. Have a great weekend!)

Sometimes, I wonder if it’s possible to plan anything. November 25, 2009

Posted by Earthdragonette in Hear Ye.
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^o^ Happy Early Thanksgiving ^o^  

This post is going up on Wednesday for most of you, but it’s already The Official Day here in Japan. I think I mentioned earlier that I won’t be having my turkey dinner until December 5th, so today I’m living vicariously through you all. I hope you have a wonderful holiday.

Wednesday was a very ordinary day in many respects. I had lessons with my first and third years, got caught up on Aphrodite’s love life during life, danced with Mary Sunshine during lunch break, and talked to The Savant during cleaning time.

Wednesday also brought with it some pretty significant news – the contents of which give me the opportunity to address an issue that’s been developing with respect to this blog.

I started this blog in August of this year – more or less a year from when I’d planned to leave Japan.  The JET Program allows its participants to stay for up to five years, but I’d decided that a four-year experience was enough for me and that the time had come to return to the United States and develop some other areas of my life. Specifically, I’m interested in going to school so that I can become a full-time teacher; I yearn for my own home room class.

The difficulties started about a month ago – right around the time that I stopped posting regularly. I’ve been considering a number of graduate programs, but the majority of them start in May. There are some part-time programs available that begin in September, and for a long time I’d assumed that I would come back to the States in August of next year and then just do one of those. When I examined the programs a little closer, though, I realized that I the full-time programs were more to my liking and that I’d rather enroll in one of those.

This then left me the problem of what to do from August of 2010 until May of 2011. Health insurance was a big concern of mine, and I also wanted those months to be productive. I discussed a number of options with my father, including enrolling in a local community college or looking for other temporary jobs with benefits. At one point, though, he asked how I would feel about staying in Japan until May of 2011 and if it would even be possible.

The idea of staying here past August of 2010 has never been abhorrent to me. It’s no secret that I love my students, respect my coworkers, and feel challenged and inspired by my responsibilities. I have friends and family-like members here, and I think I have a lot of opportunities to learn new things. The difficulty is that there are areas of one’s life that are difficult to develop when one is not in their country of origin (and when one plans to return to that country at some point). Still, I’ve consistently been tempted by the thought of a fifth year for a variety of reasons (not the least of which being the chance to continue working with my elementary students).

So, about a month ago, I went and spoke with The Supervisor. I explained to him that I couldn’t sign up for a full fifth year (that would end in August of 2011), because that would mean I couldn’t start graduate school until May of 2012, and that’s too long of a wait. However, if my Board of Education was interested, I would be able and willing to stay until April of 2011 (thus giving me enough time to go back to the States and start graduate school the following May).

I won’t bore you with the details of the conversation, or the one that we had on Wednesday, but the bottom line is that my town is interested in hiring me privately starting next August. The contract will last until April of 2011, and I believe that the conditions of that contract and my current conditions will be about the same. Generally speaking, I’m really happy with this arrangement. It’s taking me a little time to get used to this new universe that I’ve wandered in to, but I think that things are working out for the best.

So, this also leaves me in a strange position with this blog. Instead of 251 days of memories left, it seems that I have more in the realm of 520.* This is difficult for me because I really liked the simple and direct theme of this blog: 365 days = 365 memories. More than anything, I don’t want this blog to become a “Daily Account of Julie’s Life in Japan,” because I don’t think that perspective is particularly interesting. ^_^;;

So, right now, I’m thinking about how to adapt this blog to my new circumstances. Until I do, I ask that you pardon my mess. The posts may be a little irregular and the focus may seem a little fuzzy at times.

But, I’m sure things will shape up.
They always do.

So keep me awake for every moment
Give me more time to feel this way