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Tuesday: The Good, The Bad, The Ridiculously Funny September 28, 2010

Posted by Earthdragonette in Lessons Learned.
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One of the things about living outside of one’s comfort zone and beginning new routines is that the added pressure of trying to do everything right heightens whatever emotions that are present. For me, this means that a state of happiness rivals the Bliss of Eden. Accomplishments aren’t just wonderful, they are superbly wonderful. Moments of insight become FULL BLOWN REVELATIONS. Slightly awkward gaffs become mind numbing moments of mortification (that replay in my mind on a convenient loop for the following week and a half).

This is more or less what Tuesday was like.

First, The Good. Although this technically took place on my Wednesday, it was Tuesday in Germany. Yes, my friends, Bayern has once again climbed out of its recent quagmire of mediocrity to WIN A GAME because they SCORED TWO GOALS. We have Schweinsteiger to thank for both of them, and for justifying my request that his name be on the Bayern Jersey that I want for Christmas. It wasn’t a pretty game and some would argue that we just got lucky. Still, a win is a win and after last weekend’s travesty I will take what I can get.

Second, The Bad. Argh. The Horribly Bad.

Actually, it’s not quite so awful but it was incredibly public and so that’s what makes it so difficult for me to deal with. So, I’ve been doing this hip hop class at The Gym for the last few months. Last night was the last class for the summer/early fall session (the class schedule and teachers will change starting October 1st) and I really wanted to be there. I ran into some time issues after work though, because I had to stop by my elementary schools and then run some errands. I got to the gym at about 6:43 (class starts at 6:45) and changed into my workout clothing as quickly as I could. When I got back down to the floor, I saw that the class had just started and the students were still standing around. Thinking that I was relatively safe (this being the last class, me only being a few minutes late, the fact that I go every week), I opened the door to the room and thus violated one of the most sacrosanct rules of The Gym:

Thou Shalt Not Enter The Studio Once A Class Has Started

(Nevermind that I’ve seen The Lady Who Will Hurt You wander in and out of the studio as she pleases.)

The Super Young Guy was the one who caught me on this and who came to tell me that I couldn’t join the class. The students and teacher just sort of looked on with helpless (yet intense) interest as I tried to quickly stifle the American Urge to say, “Are you serious? I don’t pay over $100 a month so that I can be kept from a class under ridiculous circumstances. By the way, I hate how you always catch me breaking the rules but never chastise others for doing the same.” There wasn’t much I could do when confronted with a Hard and Fast Rule That Everyone Knows and that I Guess Really Can’t Be Broken (By Me). So, I apologized for interrupting the class and then retreated to the treadmills to run out the emotion.

In this instance, I actually don’t have a problem with the part where I made a mistake. Everyone does, and now I know never, ever to try to use my “I’m just about on time” reasoning to get to a gym class. The part that makes the whole situation a mind numbing moment of mortification is that it literally stopped the gym in its tracks; everybody turned to watch the incident. This includes TGTIDNLBIDLHE, and although I love giving him more reasons to treat me like a substandard gym member, I was hoping to keep a tidbit like this out of his paws until at least the end of November. Also,  I am not fond of when The Super Young Guy takes me to task for something because I’ve been going to the gym far longer than he has and it’s just not right to be schooled by the youth. He made up for it later by apologizing about forty-two times and then lavishing compliments on me during our standard LOLZing session.

Still, acute embarrassment. I hate embarrassment.

Now, The Ridiculously Funny.

So, on Tuesday I decided to sit with The World Is His Oyster during lunch. We haven’t had a chance to chat for awhile and I wanted to catch up with him and argue about international soccer. During the course of lunch, he was playing with some new English phrases and words that we’ve been studying and he came up with this gem:

“Easy! Easy! I’m easy! Hey, I’m easy!”

My response to these statements was kind of like this:

O rly?

I then decided that even though the subject matter was slightly risque, I should probably tell him the reasons that he shouldn’t wander around making those declarations in front of native English speakers. Specifically, I told him that it means that “Anybody is O.K.”

His response was a bit like this:

Ya wai!

This then prompted rollicking laughter for the remainder of the lunch period. Once the other students understood what was going on, that is.

And so, there you have it. Tuesday. Terrifically Intense. Never boring. Thankfully over and done with. ^o^

Goodbye my Coney Island
Goodbye my Coney Island
Goodbye my Coney Island Baaaaby


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